Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2013

Cloud Gang´84

Don´t get in the way of these guys! Pirates of the caribbean, hells angels, bandidos...who is this?
Look in their faces and tell me you´re not afraid! Think about AC/DCs "TNT" while watching this artwork :D

Stay true and Knifte!

Freitag, 18. Oktober 2013

Time to relax...


ok sit down....open page number 23 and read out loud bitches!
"It´s weekend, fin"

Nothing more to say i´m out of here!!! Ciaooooo.....

Freitag, 11. Oktober 2013


Back from Indonesia and directly into the weekend...if you ever have the chance to go to Java, don´t think about it just do it! And if you need some info, text me!

What an awesome trip! And now....weekend you cocksuckers, get drunk and knifte!