Freitag, 30. August 2013

Gaming time

Ok shut up everyone i wanna play this game right now, let me .... just let me...

I will play this the whole weekend!!! fuck drinking :D
Stay Knifte bitches!

Montag, 26. August 2013

Sun Newspaper

HEy folks i´m back from my chaos trip to biarritz -hossegor and san sebastian! ALIVE!

Here´s an report in the world famous "Sun" newspaper about my scottish bro´s from silibil n brains,
next to them you see my artwork for their upcoming album! NOICE!

Stay Knifte bitches!

Donnerstag, 15. August 2013


It´s thursday and tomorrow i´m going on vacation with my little clock...go faster!!!

By the way, today is world-knift day,
so stay Knifte bitches!

Montag, 12. August 2013

Knifta Lisa

Just 5 days...then holidays! South france here i come again, but till then i found a new piece of art in the Louvre, Knifta Lisa. Look how beautiful she is!

Stay knifte bitches!

Freitag, 9. August 2013

It´s friday

It´s friday bitches, that means party and alcohol...if do something wrong or you´re not knifte enough :D Or you have a family and your wife didn´t want you to have a life beside the family :D
Catch your friends, go out, give your child to a babysitter and pass the fuck out tonight!!!!

Today i want to share with you the best video of the net!
What the fuck is going on there.... :D

Montag, 5. August 2013


It´s time for another WTF moment aaaaaaand here it comes!!!
Stay Knifte bitches & keep your inner child alive!