Freitag, 31. August 2012



I wish everyone a good weekend, catch your K-Team and go out!! Drink, party hard and dance!
Maybe shoot around and miss everyone or jump over cameras so that it looks higher, get caught and locked in, build a tank out of an welding apparatus and roofing cardboards! You know what i mean ;)


Donnerstag, 30. August 2012

Kentucky fucks chicken!!!

Is it too hard? I don´t think that Knifte should have limits, that´s art and Knifte can do whatever Knifte wants, so fuck all the haters (°o°)

Just smile even you don´t like blach humor! Try it ;)

Mittwoch, 29. August 2012

What the fuck?!

Ok folks,
i can´t describe what i did here...serious...i can´t!
I´m a little bit shocked myself :D

Really distubring...

Sorry JW

Dienstag, 28. August 2012

Jesus Kniftus!

I thought i can do the Jesus fresco Knifte style!
But what the old lady did is still awesome haha...that looks so bad... :D


Because i didn´t get an artwork done yesterday, i´ll give you a special KFF today...

California, sun is shining and Kniftnum is cruisin´ in his Ferrari checking out some ladies on the beach!
I want to be Kniftnum right now! (°o°)


Montag, 27. August 2012

Hey everyone i´m sorry that i haven´t done an artwork today, but i have so much to do here at work...i hope that i can make one till closing time! Stay Knifte and keep checking the blog!

King Knifte

Freitag, 24. August 2012

KFF - Knifte´s Famous Friday

I got a new special, every friday i will post a famous person knifte style!
I think that´s hard to beat :D

I wish you a great weekend and got get drunk! I will...cause i need to erase this artwork out of my head, i can´t work when i see this :D

Donnerstag, 23. August 2012


Ewww do you smell his breath? Look at his teeth, they look stinky!!!
But he wants love, like everyone else...who wants to be his girlfriend? 

Write him a nice personal message at with the subject "Frankenknift" and maybe you will get some hot pics from him!!! 

Mittwoch, 22. August 2012



The Knifte community musst grow, here´s a little more Knifte for your living room!

Get the poster here!

Dienstag, 21. August 2012

KING KNIFTE *Limited Edition* shirt

And the first *Limited Edition* shirt for guys is out now!
ONLY 10 shirts will be there and then never again,
check it out in the shop!

Montag, 20. August 2012

Ice-Man vs. Hair Dryer

It´s so hot here in the office today, i´m meltin´!!!!
So i thought of an ice-cream-man and how hard it is for him to dry his wet waffle!

Hard times for the little ice-man over here (°o°)

Kniftorious P.I.G

Just a little a lot to do today, just want you to know that my fingers aren´t cold and still working ;) Have a nice start in the week and stay Knifte!

Freitag, 17. August 2012


Hello Knifte folks,
now available at the shop: Limited Edition shirts!

There are only 20 shirts to buy and then never again!!! So they are really unique, they also got that little "Limited Edition" logo on the shoulder.

Go and get the first "Limited Edition" shirt "Monday Unicorn" only for girls!

--> buy it!

Donnerstag, 16. August 2012

Silibill (Lance Carter) Knifte Artwork!

Here you go!
Silibil aka Lance Carter wanted me to do a Knifte artwork for him,
for his live shows he will do. He will combine new things like music from a laptop and iphone with an old gramophone and stuff like that...will be very cool i think ;)

So my artwork is a little bit inspired by that, but just a little bit :D
The rest is Knifte brainshit from it´s finest!

Mittwoch, 15. August 2012


After the great response from Todd i thought it would be nice to make an artwork just for the band!
And here it is!!! Todd told me everyone is going crazy about that ;) life is good! (°o°)

Alex & Chris got new shirts!

Alex and Chris wearing Knifte!
Captain Naked & Extreme flute boy...

get your shirt today too!

Montag, 13. August 2012

Knifte goes California!!!! Corn Doggy Dog represent!

How awesome is that??!!! Knifte rocks Long Beach California!!
Todd Zalkins singer of the band Corn Doggy Dog and Sublime Family member since day one is rockin´out in a special Knifte shirt i did for him! you can also see him in the sublime video "date rape" he is the rapist ;)

Sublime is my favourite band of all time and now a guy from the sublime family is wearing a Knifte shirt, that kills me right now ;) i´m so excited!


Even the nicest things are bad on a monday!!! i wish you all a good start in the week and be careful when you see a unicorn on a monday!

Sonntag, 12. August 2012

Fott damit Shirt!

Basti is wearing the "fott damit" Shirt! I don't know why he is so angry, maybe he's jealous of Captain naked's haircut!

Freitag, 10. August 2012

Who is TED? Winnie Poo is da shit!!!

Have a look at Winnie-Poo and his friend, didn´t they have a lot of!?
Winnie told me that his poo smells like chocolate, fantastic isn´t it? 

Donnerstag, 9. August 2012


Knifte got a new poster shop, now you can have Knifte on your wall at home! Or just put it somewhere in the city ;) The first poster is "Captain Naked", get naked and get it now!

--> Knifte poster shop

Mittwoch, 8. August 2012


Free Pussy Riot!!!!
And today is "World Cat Day", so is there a better day to free the band Pussy Riot?


Everybody get out of the way!!!!! Turbo Frank is coming... on the way to the northpole, nobody can stop him! Better stay away from him, he´sa real badass! look at the haircut, dangerous shit!

Dienstag, 7. August 2012


Don´t ask me why...i don´t even was just in my mind :D
I´m thinking about doing a comic strip, but i don´t know if it is the right thing for Knifte, what do you think about Posters? Are you interested? Just give me some feedback...

Greetz Josh aka Lord Knifte

Bj Berry and his Knifte Shirt!

Just did some sketches when i get this picture of a die hard Knifte fan ;)

Montag, 6. August 2012


C´mon it´s monday, i give you 2 artworks today ;)
Everybody is talking about Uasin Bolt these days, so it´s time for a Kniftasin Bolt...


The weekend is over and my brain is a little bit damaged, so i thougt it would be nice to draw a crying Adolf Kniftler who screams: "Mom! i´m done!" after taking a shit. (°o°) 

I´m german, so i have all the rights to make fun of Adolf Kniftler ;)

Samstag, 4. August 2012

Freitag, 3. August 2012


Knifte is going crazy these days! ELMOTO is doing a limited Knifte bike, everything is in progress right now! i made a design for a Elmoto bike in the last days, just have a look...This is nuts!

Donnerstag, 2. August 2012

ELMOTO goes Knifte!

A friend of mine works for Elmoto ( and is a great fan of Knifte as you can see! I´m working on a design for a Knifte-elmoto-bike...we will see if it works ;)

And i also found a photo from Marina wearing the "Ab nach Petersilien" shirt on facebook today, Knifte is going very well...let´s make the world Knifte! (°o°)


Hey everybody i thought i have to make a holiday shirt, so it became a german holiday shirt...
Jürgen is licking the ice cream and don´t give a fuck about all the haters! (°o°)

Mittwoch, 1. August 2012

Weekend memories!

Closing-time! i´m looking forward for the weekend to begin (°o°)
I know it´s wednesday but i count the days since monday!

Knifte in the K3atelier!

As you can see, Knifte is in the atelier in bonn right now and ready to get bought ;)

So die Knifte Originale sind jetzt im K3atelier in der Weberstrasse zu besichtigen oder auch zu kaufen!
Guckt es euch mal an und quatscht ne Runde mit Viviane der Besitzerin der Galerie wenn sie da ist, lohnt sich :D

Neue Knifte Bilder/Shirts sind in der mache! also stay Knifte und checkt den Blog!
New Knifte artwork and shirts are in progress, so stay knifte and keep checking the blog!